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  1. How to Launch a Successful Referral Program for Your Small Business

    How to Launch a Successful Referral Program for Your Small Business

    Jim Rohn said, “One customer, well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.” Every business person out there will attest to this statement. Having your customers tom-tomming about your offerings to their friends and family is the best marketing you can ever ask for. When you have customers who have.

  2. eCommerce Gift Cards, Easy Alternatives For Refunds, Returns, And Exchanges

    eCommerce Gift Cards, Easy Alternatives For Refunds, Returns, And Exchanges

    US consumers were predicted to return $100 billion worth of unwanted products purchased between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those are some painful numbers. As exciting as the holiday season is for retailers, returns and refund requests pose a major problem. Buyer’s remorse is a common phenomenon. Some purchases are impulse decisions, and the customer may not.

  3. Ways to Incentivize your Bigcommerce Customers to Return

    Ways to Incentivize your Bigcommerce Customers to Return

    It takes months to find a customer, seconds to lose one”- Vince Lombardi. There couldn’t be a truer quote. The relationship between a customer and a business is as fragile…

  4. eCommerce Gift Cards Crucial For Growing Retail Businesses

    eCommerce Gift Cards Crucial For Growing Retail Businesses

    The holiday season is the time to open your purse strings for loved ones, isn’t it? What you decide to gift someone can actually be a stressor. Gifts require a lot of thought put into them. It has to be affordable for the one buying it. Why not reduce the stress your customers face during.

  5. How to launch a Customer Loyalty Rewards Program in time for Halloween

    How to launch a Customer Loyalty Rewards Program in time for Halloween

    Halloween is easily one of the biggest events of the year. It is the perfect holiday for eCommerce retailers to make a killing. Launching a customer loyalty rewards program before the holidays is something that retailers should consider seriously. Loyalty plays a successful role for retailers during the holiday season. This article looks at a.

  6. How to Get Your eCommerce Store Ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

    How to Get Your eCommerce Store Ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the best days for eCommerce retailers. Not being prepared for it is a financial disaster. The 2021 US holiday season posed the strongest retail growth bringing in more than $1.2 trillion. According to eMarketer, Cyber Monday had the highest sales, clocking more than $10.9 billion, while Black

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