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  1. How is eCommerce evolving

    How is eCommerce evolving

    “The world is clearly changing in so many ways. The way we used to watch movies, listen to music or travel to different places have completely changed in the past few years. The same is with eCommerce, it has become an important part of our lives too. If brands want to succeed in the eCommerce.

  2. Types of Customer Loyalty Programs

    Types of Customer Loyalty Programs

    “What is a customer loyalty program? A customer loyalty program uses incentives to make the customer keep coming back to you for more purchases. The objective is to build a strong relationship with the customer and reduce customer churn. With the right kind of customer loyalty program, you will be able to increase the retention.

  3. Celebrating women and their achievements

    Celebrating women and their achievements

    This is Women’s History Month and we are taking this space to highlight a few women entrepreneurs who have solved problems, uplifted communities and made a unique space for themselves in what they do. The women who are a part of this article have varying degrees of success, the only common thing about each of.

  4. How to use Gift Card in Social Media Marketing?

    How to use Gift Card in Social Media Marketing?

    Your gift cards can be the lifeline that you would have never expected it to be. From helping you with sales during off-season to giving you cash upfront without even selling goods, gift cards can work like magic for retailers. It is no wonder that we would advise you to make it a big part.

  5. How women in developing countries can harness e-commerce

    How women in developing countries can harness e-commerce

    For women who are in developing countries, eCommerce is a boon that they can and should take advantage of. The best thing about a digital platform is that there is no incentive for the platform to be gender-biased. The landscape of eCommerce keeps evolving, the only problem is that there is not a lot of.

  6. Inspirational Women in Ecommerce

    Inspirational Women in Ecommerce

    Join 99minds in celebrating women in eCommerce who are driving the industry forward with their incomparable contributions. Let us look at a few of them who have made a name for themselves, either as entrepreneurs or employees. Lillian Tung: She's the co-founder and CMO of Fur, a body-care line that promotes natural beauty. The haircare.

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