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  1. Ways Coupons Can Help Your Business Attract Loyal Custome

    Ways Coupons Can Help Your Business Attract Loyal Custome

    The holy grail of every marketer across the world is their target market’s attention. There are a thousand ways to advertise your brand. According to several studies, one of the most effective marketing strategies is providing a one-time use of coupons. The holiday season is the perfect time for businesses to offer incentives to customers.

  2. How to drive customer loyalty during a Global Recession?

    How to drive customer loyalty during a Global Recession?

    These are tough times. We are sure that there are thousands of blogs highlighting how crucial customer loyalty is. The world is on the brink of a recession. Pockets are going to be tight. Spending will be frugal. People will have their guard up, thanks to the uncertainty associated with the global recession.

  3. Beginner’s Guide to E-Commerce Promotions

    Beginner’s Guide to E-Commerce Promotions

    As the world advances towards new digital technologies, businesses are also finding new avenues to optimize their sales and promotional campaigns. E-commerce has become a powerful platform for retailers to reach their target audience and increase their revenue. If you are a business owner or a marketer looking to venture into e-commerce, then you must.

  4. Ecommerce Referral Marketing Strategies

    Ecommerce Referral Marketing Strategies

    In its initial stages, Dropbox, a file-sharing service, rewarded its customers with extra file space for each referral. Here both the referrer and referee get 500 MB of extra space. They had over 2.8 million referrals in the first 18 months. No matter which industry you are in, having an excellent referral marketing strategy can.

  5. Innovations in e-commerce

    Innovations in e-commerce

    Setting up an online store alone will not give you magical sales numbers. eCommerce stores are an essential part of our day-to-day lives. You cannot survive in the market by doing the bare minimum. Offering a seamless and delightful experience to your customers every single time should be your goal. For that, you must leverage.

  6. Gift Cards Can Help Businesses Overcome Economic Challenges

    Gift Cards Can Help Businesses Overcome Economic Challenges

    Challenges aren’t new for businesses. An economic downturn is a disaster in the making as it stifles people from doing what they want to do. We’ve recently navigated the vicissitudes of a pandemic that no healthcare organization in the world was prepared for. A recession seems minuscule after Covid, but we should be prepared to

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