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  1. Future of ecommerce in 2023

    Future of ecommerce in 2023

    eCommerce stores are rampant in every niche, and the competition is fierce. Without standing apart from your competitors, it will be difficult to keep growing exponentially. Consumer behavior keeps changing, especially in the world of eCommerce. There are too many factors that change the purchasing behavior and motivations of your customers. You must be aware

  2. Internationalization Strategies in E-Commerce

    Internationalization Strategies in E-Commerce

    Internationalization has become a global buzzword in the world of e-commerce

  3. Must-have features for your eCommerce website

    Must-have features for your eCommerce website

    eCommerce adoption has been continually increasing over the past few years. It reached a crescendo with the global pandemic that affected us all since we were forced to buy online. If you have thought of starting an eCommerce store, you won’t find a better time to do it than now. For your eCommerce store to

  4. What are promotional codes and how do they work?

    What are promotional codes and how do they work?

    Every time we are about to buy something online, all of us invariably look for promo codes that reduce the value of our order. We are always looking for a discount or a free gift when making a purchase. It’s who we are as human beings, and this is why eCommerce sites should embrace the

  5. How and Why You Should Use Digital Rewards for Workplace Gamification

    How and Why You Should Use Digital Rewards for Workplace Gamification

    Who doesn’t love games? What if you could motivate your employees using workplace gamification? With Millennials and Gen Z “hogging” the workforce, you shouldn’t be surprised employers are using games to keep them motivated and engaged. It seems like a natural progression. 79% of employees say gamification has improved their motivation and gives them a.

  6. eCommerce Gift Cards - Catalysts To Increase Holiday-Season Sales

    eCommerce Gift Cards - Catalysts To Increase Holiday-Season Sales

    The humble and ubiquitous gift card is a paradise for retailers, even more so during the holiday season. According to, 35% of the average shopper’s holiday budget is spent on gift cards. It is a telling statement on the kind of patronage that gift cards have. What makes gift cards so popular is the.

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