How Personalized Experiences Are the Key to Driving Customer Loyalty

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There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way many businesses around the world operate. Most marketers found that a huge margin slashed their budgets. Many CTOs had to enable many technological changes in driving work from home successfully and reach out to customers who couldn’t walk into a retail store like earlier. Not to forget all the technological changes that had to be done to facilitate smooth business operations like earlier. Businesses had to sound sensitive during a time like this while also making sure that they do not go bankrupt.

In this new world order, customer experiences were also one thing that businesses could think of slacking. Despite the cut in the marketing budget, marketers had to ensure that they were doing targeted, precise and personalized marketing. Doing mass-market campaigns was not going to help their cause at all.

Customers expect them to be treated with attention as if they were individuals and not as if they were a cog in the wheel. Now that we are slowly dusting ourselves and getting back on track, hyper-personalization becomes the need of the hour. Enabling hyper-personalization helps you provide context to every interaction that the customer has with you.

Let us tell you how personalized experiences are integral to driving customer loyalty

    1. Helps develop a strong relationship with customers
    2. When you provide personalized experiences to your customers, they know that you have spent time and effort making it happen. It will improve their shopping experience. Instead of having to spend 20 minutes looking at a certain category of products from your store, they will only have to spend 5 minutes because you have offered them exactly what they want. Isn’t that great? Your customers will love you for this, and it will also forge a strong relationship with each other. The stronger the relationship is, the more likely they are to stay loyal to you.

    3. Simplifies their experience
    4. When a customer only shows information that resonates with their desires, you are saving them a lot of time and lessening their confusion. You might be selling a product that comes with 87 features, but if your customer is only looking for a product with a limited capability, then what should you do? Show them the one that has a limited capability. Do not argue that a better product will improve their productivity or satisfy their needs. Maybe they only can work with a few features. After you show them exactly what they were looking for, you can suggest that there is a much more robust product that they can take a look at. If they do not show any interest, leave them there.

    5. Accurate targeting
    6. A customer ‘A’ who comes to your online eCommerce store from the same location might have completely different objectives from a person called ‘B.’ If you were to target customer A for shoes because they were looking at shoes, then you would certainly not be doing the same kind of targeting for B also, right?

      When you offer a personalized experience, it means that you will not be targeting all and sundry. There will be a method to every action that you take. From the marketing messaging to the solutions that you offer, each of them will be done by keeping their requirements in mind.

      By using advanced web tools, you will be able to understand where your customers are spending the most on your website. No, we are not talking about a graph that shows where most of your customers were there. We are talking about identifying each customer, where they spend time, what they clicked on, etc. Information like this is precious because you can cater to their whims and fancies by offering personalized solutions. It will be an “Aha” moment for them because what they were looking for is being made available on a platter. It becomes easy to close the sale that way.

    7. Engaging information
    8. Each of us is bombarded with messages and offers from different retailers throughout the day. Getting the attention of consumers is one thing that drives every marketer worth his or her salt. But attention is invaluable and since there is just too much information floating around, getting someone’s attention and making them engage is a little difficult. Or, let’s say, too challenging.

      The only way you can make people stay with you and interact with your content is to provide contextual information for that particular customer. If you can crack the code for providing such information, you are gold. Keep creating interesting pieces of content that will grab their attention. The more they interact with your brand, the more likely they are to become your customers.

    9. Leveraging email marketing
    10. Did you know that the ROI of email marketing is unmatched? For every $1 that you spend on email marketing, you will get back $42, says Hubspot. That’s a 4200% return. The lethal combination of email marketing and automation can do wonders for your brand. It is also one of the best channels you can use to nurture your existing customers and newsletter subscribers. You can also send personalized promotions to your customers directly to their inboxes. Every other type of channel to reach out to doesn’t land directly into the pockets of your customers unless they search for your brand exclusively, isn’t it?

    11. By capturing data
    12. As we have time and again mentioned, creating personalized experiences for your customers involves capturing data. Data-driven decision-making helps businesses to come up with strategies that result in personalized attention to each customer. Using data correctly can mean the difference between a successful marketing campaign and a has-been.

      Multiple tools help with capturing data, and there are tools that cost a bomb and also ones that will go easy on your pocket.


For each personalized experience you offer to your customers, they feel much closer to your brand. With this affinity, they think of you as “their” brand. It inadvertently increases their loyalty to your brand and what you offer. If you are not delivering a personalized experience for your customer already, what is stopping you? With the right set of digital tools, you can easily change how you interact with your customers.

The first thing you need to have while wanting to create personalized experiences for your customers is knowing what they want. Once you are sure about your brand’s goals and requirements, you are more likely to hit right on the button when it comes to creating personalized experiences. You will be left behind if you do not invest in personalized experiences in this time and age, especially if you are an eCommerce store.