How to use gift cards in SMS marketing

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How to use gift card in SMS marketing

When you are trying to sell something to your customers, you want to be available on all platforms that are possible, isn’t it?

In today’s world, people are always busy and they are bombarded with marketing communication so much that they subconsciously try to consume as less as possible. The best way to reach your prospective customer is to find them on their mobile phones which they always carry on their person. SMS marketing is still one of the most popular ways to market your brand and should be a part of your business outreach strategy.

Here are a few interesting stats about SMS marketing

  • 79% of smartphone users make buying decisions based on SMS opt-in or similar services.
  • The average open rates for text marketing campaigns stands at 98%.
  • 75% of people wouldn’t mind receiving an SMS marketing communication if they opt-in for the service.
  • So, if you have been thinking of reaching out to customers via SMSes, then you are on the right track.

How use Gift Card in Social Media Marketing

1. Run contests

Who doesn’t love a good contest that has rewards in it? If you want people to take an interest in your gift cards, then you need to use incentives. Offering sweepstakes, giveaways and any other form of incentive through SMSes are a great way to attract the right crowd. It will result in more people registering for your program. A well thought-out strategy will be great for your business and the SMS marketing campaign for your gift cards.

connect your store

2. Track ROI

Why has traditional marketing become less effective these days? Why has it gone down the radar in terms of interest shown by businesses in running traditional campaigns? Because it is increasingly difficult to track the ROI of a billboard, signage or postcards. You can calculate the ROI of your SMS marketing campaigns by providing users with a specific coupon code that is only applicable for the target audience of your SMS campaigns. You will easily be able to identify the number of people who have become your customers through this campaign.

3. Send personalized texts

The more the personalization in your campaigns, the higher are the chances for it to become a resounding success. Use their names and if there are any other pieces of information, then you can add them as well when sending them promotional messages. When it is personalized in your SMSes, the prospective customer will feel more connected to the brand.

4. Integrate your campaign across different channels

If there is one thing that we keep repeating everywhere, it is the universal fact that you cannot rely on just one platform, no matter how powerful it is. Your customers are looking forward to having an easy experience when doing something, starting from learning more about your gift cards or if it is even just about browsing through your products. One way to offer an easy experience for your customer is by being available on different platformsas well as ensuring that there is data synchronization across all of them.

5. Build a loyalty list with SMSes

Your most loyal customers are the ones who will bring in all the moolah for you. While SMS campaigns might not look like the first option to build a loyalty list, if you can use them strategically, it will turn out to be a place that will work wonders for your brand. Send exclusive offers for your customers to be a part of your loyalty program. Once they are willing to become a loyalty customer, you can manage them with the help of a loyalty program software like 99minds.

create your own referral program

6. Run promotions

Reaching the customer at the right time with the right offer is as important as getting your location right in real estate. Even if the timing or the offer were wrong, it becomes difficult to make a sale. For example, selling gift cards during festivals is great, but that doesn’t mean you cannot sell them during the other times. You can create special occasions that might be specific for your brand or for the location you are in and create marketing campaigns for them. Use gift cards as a part of these campaigns so that you can sell more of them.

By sending text messages, you can also segment your customers if they respond with relevant information for you.

7. Provide value

Apart from sending gift card information or trying to enroll them into any of your programs, you also need to ensure that the communication from you is of value to the recipient aka the prospective customer. When your audience consistently receives useful information from you, they will stop looking at you as some sort of a hassle. Do not be intrusive by sending only offers to buy from you or asking them to be a part of your surveys. No one likes that.

8. Offer an unsubscribe option

If we could insist more on this, we would. Nothing says annoying like a company that wouldn’t quit, or even worse, that wouldn’t let you quit either. Not everyone is your audience, which means that some of those marketing SMSes that you send can be incredibly irritating for some of them. You need to give your recipients the option to opt out of your messages so that they do not have to receive communications from you in the future.

Make it easy for them to opt out of your campaigns. Just by replying with a ‘STOP’ or an unsubscribe link is more than enough. When you do not provide an easy out for your recipients, they are more likely to hate your brand. You cannot afford that as it will hamper the relationship beyond a point of repair.


SMS marketing was never out of fashion, or ineffective, they give you quick results when used appropriately. When you are promoting your online gift cards, make sure that you use SMSes as an important part of your campaigns. Let them know what your gift cards entail and how they can use it effectively. Give them the steps on where they can find your gift cards and if there are any running offers, explain the SMS recipients about that as well.

For businesses that want to provide gift cards to their customers, we will be glad to help you with it. Reach out to our customer success team here to understand more about how exactly we can help you. 99minds helps you launch your gifting program with minimal effort using our plug and play feature.